Narrated Al-Hasan(Ral):b
The sister of Ma'qil bin Yasar was married to a man and then that man divorced her and remained away from her till her period of the 'Iddah expired. Then he demanded for her hand in marriage, but Ma'qil got angry out of pride and haughtiness and said, "He kept away from her when he could still retain her, and now he demands her hand again?" So Ma'qil disagreed to remarry her to him. Then Allah revealed: 'When you have divorced women and they have fulfilled the term of their prescribed period, do not prevent them from marrying their (former) husbands.' (2:232) So the Prophet (ﷺ) sent for Ma'qil and recited to him (Allah's order) and consequently Ma'qil gave up his pride and haughtiness and yielded to Allah's order.
In-Book Reference: Book 68, Hadith 76
USC-MSA web (English) reference: Vol. 7, Book 63, Hadith 248 (deprecated numbering scheme)
تعلن شركة اليم العربي لتأجير السيارات عن شاغر وظيفي
المسمى : أخصائي خدمة عملاء ( موظف تأجير سيارات)
-الموقع :الرياض
-ذكر + انثى
-سعودي/ة الجنسية.
-الالتزام والجدية بالعمل.
-يستطيع الانضمام فوراً.
-الخبرة نفس المجال من 6 شهور الى سنة.
*يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على الايميل وكتابة المسمى الوظيفي + كتابة المدينة (الرياض).
تعلن شركة تعمل في مجال تأجير السيارات في الرياض عن توفر شاغر وظيفي بالمسمى الآتي:
(مدراء عمليات)
يشترط خبرة في نفس المجال
للتقديم يرجى إرسال السيرة الذاتية مع كتابة المسمى الوظيفي في العنوان على الإيميل الآتي :
تعلن شركة تعمل في مجال تأجير السيارات في الرياض عن توفر شاغر وظيفي بالمسمى الآتي:
(مشرفين تأجير)
يشترط خبرة في نفس المجال
للتقديم يرجى إرسال السيرة الذاتية مع كتابة المسمى الوظيفي في العنوان على الإيميل الآتي :
توظيف عاجل 🛑
فرص وظيفية في شركة هندسية في (مدينة الرياض)، مهندسة سعودية
- سعودية الجنسية
- للغة انجليزية ممتازة
- شهادة عضوية في هيئة المهندسين
- مباشرة فورية
الراتب 7000
ترسل السيرة الذاتية على البريد الالكتروني أدناه
يرجى كتابة ( مهندسة سعودية )في عنوان البريد
تعلن شركة مختصة بالشاهي عن توفر شواغر بمنطقة القصيم المسمى:
1-- مدير فرع خبرة بنفس المجال
2-- موظف خدمات حكومية خبرة بنفس المجال
الرجاء توضيح المسمى الوظيفي والمنطقة في العنوان الايميل :
تعلن شركة تعمل في مجال السيارات في الرياض عن توفر شاغر وظيفي بالمسمى الآتي:
(مندوب/ة مبيعات)
يُفضل خبرة في مجال المبيعات
للتقديم يرجى إرسال السيرة الذاتية مع كتابة المسمى الوظيفي في العنوان على الإيميل الآتي :
يتوفر شاغر وظيفي في مجال المطاعم في احد المطاعم المعروفة
المسمى : مقدم خدمة
الراتب: 4500
ساعات العمل : شفتات متغيرة / 5 ايام عمل عمل
* مؤهل ثانوي وأعلى
* للسعوديين فقط
* ان لا يكون على رأس عمل
* من سكان مدينة الرياض
* احضار نسخة من السيرة الذاتية
المقابلات غدا الثلاثاء من ٩ صباحاً
طاقات حي الندى بجواز برجر كنج طريق الامير محمد بن سلمان
وارسال السير الذاتية عبر الواتساب
Job opportunity:
(Accountant )
- Minimum 1 year of experience.
- Based in Riyadh
If you are interested kindly share your CV.
شاغر وظيفي الرياض
المسمى : استقبال
( انثى )
الراتب : 4000
6 ايام عمل - اوف يوم واحد - فترة مسائيه
على ان تتوفر الشروط التالية :
* سعوديه الجنسية
* إجادة استخدام الحاسب الالي وتطبيقاته
* غير مسجله في التأمينات الاجتماعية
لارسال السيفي واتس اب فقط ممنوع الاتصال :
تعلن شركة رائدة في مجال المكتبات والقرطاسية بنظام الجملة عن توفر عدد من الشواغر الوظيفية
الوظيفة: محضر طلبيات
المواقع: الرياض شارع العطايف
- سعودي
- الانضباط بأوقات العمل
- اللباقة مع العميل
- تحمل ضغط العمل
- وجود وسيلة مواصلات
الراتب: 5000 ريال
فترات العمل والاجازات
فترتين عمل (صباحي- مسائي)
الاجازات: يوم واحد في الاسبوع (الجمعة)
يرجى إرسال السيرة الذاتية إلى البريد الإلكتروني مع كتابة الحي السكني في العنوان:
شاغر وظيفي الرياض
المسمى : استقبال
( انثى )
الراتب : 4000
7 ايام عمل - اوف يوم واحد - فترة مسائيه
على ان تتوفر الشروط التالية :
* سعوديه الجنسية
* إجادة استخدام الحاسب الالي وتطبيقاته
* غير مسجله في التأمينات الاجتماعية
لارسال السيفي واتس اب فقط ممنوع الاتصال :
تعلن شركة شركة الشاشة الكاملة للتسويق عن رغبتها في توظيف مسوقات مؤهلات للانضمام إلى فريقنا الديناميكي. نحن نبحث عن أفراد مبدعين ومتحمسين لديهم شغف بمجال التسويق والمبيعات.
* خبرة سابقة في مجال التسويق أو المبيعات (يفضل).
* مهارات تواصل قوية وقدرة على بناء العلاقات.
* القدرة على العمل بشكل مستقل وتحقيق الأهداف.
* راتب ثابت بالإضافة إلى عمولات مغرية.
* بيئة عمل محفزة وفرص للتطوير المهني.
للمهتمين، يرجى إرسال السيرة الذاتية إلى البريد الإلكتروني:
، مع ذكر "توظيف مسوقة" في خانة الموضوع.
شركة تقنيه تعلن عن وظائف شاغرة في مدينة ( الرياض)
بمسمى وظيفي ( كابتن توصيل ) .
الشروط :
-امتلاك سيارة (شرط اساسي)
يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على البريد التالي مع كتابة عنوان ( المسمى الوظيفي المقدم عليه + المدينة)
تعلن شركة كبرى عن توفر شواغر وظيفية:
مندوب مبيعات
مقر العمل : الرياض - جدة - جازان - عرعر - سكاكا
- وجود خبرة سابقة ( يفضل في مجال الدهانات او العقارات)
لمن تنطبق عليه الشروط فضلا التكرم بإرسال السيرة الذاتية (مع كتابة المسمى الوظيفي بالعنوان)
تعلن شركة المطاحن الراقية وموقعها الرياض عن وجود شاغر وظيفي بمسمى (بائع حلويات )سعودي الجنسية الرجاء ارسال السيرة الذاتيه على الايميل مع ذكر المسمى الوظيفي
مندوب مشتريات
#جدة الصناعية الاولى والثالثة
- سعودي/ة الجنسية
- بكالوريوس
- يفضل خبرة ولا يشترط
الرواتب 5000
6 ايام عمل
للتقديم الرجاء ارسال السيرة الذاتية مع ضرورة "كتابة المسمى الوظيفي بالعنوان"
مسؤول/ة مبيعات
#الرياض حي الروابي
- سعودي/ة الجنسية
- بكالوريوس
- خبرة سابقة لا تقل عن ٥ سنوات
الراتب من 8000 - 10,000
للتقديم الرجاء ارسال السيرة الذاتية مع ضرورة "كتابة المسمى الوظيفي بالعنوان"
#الرياض ، جدة ، الخبر
- سعودي/ة الجنسية
- ثانوي فأعلى
- خبرة سابقة
الرواتب من 4500-6000
للتقديم الرجاء ارسال السيرة الذاتية مع ضرورة "كتابة المسمى الوظيفي بالعنوان"
مطلوب مهندسين للانضمام إلى فريقنا
شركة البوان لصيانة والتشغيل
🔴التوظيف فوري يتطلب ان لايكون على راس عمل
- مهندس كهرباء
- مهندس ميكانيكا
- مدير مشاريع (مهندس مدني)
🔴 المتطلبات
- الخبره من 4 الى 10سنوات داخل السعودية
-الخبره في منصة اعتماد
-الخبره في احتساب التكاليف
إذا كنت مهتمًا وتتوافر لديك المؤهلات المطلوبة، يرجى إرسال سيرتك الذاتية على
مع توضيح اسم الوظيفة فى العنوان"وعدد سنوات الخبره
شركة وطنية في الرياض تعمل في مجال الصناعة الادوات الصحية تعلن عن حاجتها :
مندوب مشاريع وطنية
خبره لاتقل عن سنة
التقديم على الواتس :
+966 59 624 3134
إعلان وظيفة: خدمة عملاء في استوديو رياضي نسائي
نبحث عن موظفة خدمة عملاء للعمل في استوديو رياضي نسائي في فرع العارض.
تفاصيل الوظيفة:
•الراتب: 5000 ريال.
•الدوام: 6 أيام في الأسبوع، ويوم إجازة.
•إجادة بسيطة للغة الإنجليزية.
•معرفة بأساسيات الحاسب الآلي.
•اللباقة في التعامل وحسن المظهر والأسلوب.
•يفضل من تسكن في حي العارض أو حي قرطبة.
لمن تجد في نفسها الكفاءة، نرجو إرسال السيرة الذاتية إلى البريد التالي: -
نتطلع لانضمامكِ إلى فريقنا!
شركة تعمل في مجال صناعة الزيوت بالخرج تبحث عن: “محاسب”
الوصف الوظيفي :
•إعداد التقارير المالية الشهرية والسنوية.
•التعامل مع الإقرارات الزكوية والضريبية.
•متابعة العمليات المالية والتأكد من دقتها.
•تعزيز مراقبة الحسابات المدينة، وإجراء التحصيل الضروري للمبالغ المستحقة من العملاء.
المتطلبات الوظيفية:
•المؤهل العلمي: دبلوم على الأقل في المحاسبة أو ما يعادلها.
•الخبرة: خبرة عملية لا تقل عن سنة في مجال المحاسبة.
•معرفة ممتازة باللوائح والمعايير المحاسبية (GAAP).
•الإلمام بأنظمة تخطيط الموارد المؤسسية (ERP).
•مهارات متقدمة في استخدام Excel.
•القدرة على تحليل البيانات وإعداد تقارير مالية دقيقة.
ترسل السيرة الذاتية مع ضرورة ذكر الوظيفة بالعنوان على
شركة تعمل في مجال صناعة الزيوت بالخرج تبحث عن: “فني مختبر”
الوصف الوظيفي:
•استلام العينات وتحليل البيانات.
•ضمان تنفيذ الإجراءات المخبرية والتجارب العلمية مع إجراء الملاحظات وتفسير النتائج.
•تشغيل الأجهزة المخبرية وضمان التحقق من أدائها لتوفير القياس المطلوب.
•صيانة المعدات والمساعدة في طلب مستلزمات المختبر.
•التأكد من اتباع جميع إجراءات الجودة والسلامة داخل المختبر.
المتطلبات الوظيفية:
•المؤهل العلمي: درجة الدبلوم على الأقل.
•خبرة عملية لا تقل عن سنة في مجال المختبرات أو العمل المخبري.
•معرفة جيدة بتشغيل المعدات المخبرية والتقنيات الكيميائية.
•الإلمام بمبادئ الجودة والسلامة والصحة (QHSE) وأفضل الممارسات المخبرية.
•مهارات تحليل دقيقة ودقة في العمل.
•معرفة عملية في برامج MS Office وقواعد البيانات.
•القدرة على العمل بشكل مستقل وتحمل ضغط العمل.
الموقع: المدينة الصناعية بالخرج
ترسل السيرة الذاتية مع ضرورة ذكر الوظيفة بالعنوان على
شركة تعمل في مجال صناعة الزيوت بالخرج تبحث عن: “فني صيانة كهرباء”
الوصف الوظيفي :
•إجراء الصيانة الدورية والوقائية للمعدات الكهربائية في المصنع.
•تشخيص الأعطال الكهربائية وإصلاحها لضمان استمرارية العمليات.
•متابعة تركيب وصيانة الأنظمة الكهربائية وفق المعايير.
•التأكد من تطبيق أنظمة السلامة والجودة أثناء العمل على المعدات الكهربائية.
•الحفاظ على السجلات والمخططات الكهربائية المُحدَّثة.
المتطلبات الوظيفية:
•المؤهل العلمي: دبلوم في الكهرباء أو ما يعادلها.
•الخبرة: خبرة عملية لا تقل عن سنه في مجال صيانة المعدات الكهربائية.
•القدرة على العمل تحت الضغط وحل المشكلات الفنية بكفاءة.
•مهارات تنظيمية وإعداد تقارير الصيانة.
الموقع: الخرج - المدينة الصناعية
ترسل السيرة الذاتية مع ضرورة ذكر الوظيفة بالعنوان على
شاغر وظيفي في جمعية السلياك
اخصائية علاقات عامه واتصال مؤسسي
الموقع : الرياض
الشروط المطلوبة :
1- للسعوديين
2- بكالوريوس علاقات عامة
3- يفضل خبرة سنتين
4- مهارات التواصل
التقديم ترسل السيرة الذاتيه إلى البريد الإلكتروني ( مع كتابة المسمى في عنوان البريد )
مطلوب لمكتب استشارات هندسية في حى قرطبة في الرياض (نقل كفالة فوري) مهندس معماري خبرة من 7 الى 9 سنوات خبرة بالمكاتب الاستشارية بالمملكة. يجيد التصميم المعماري للواجهات والتصميم الداخلي باستخدام البرامج الهندسية المختلفة 3D. لدية دراية كاملة باشتراطات أمانة منطقة الرياض لرخص البناء. ترسل السيرة الذاتية مع سابقة الأعمال على الايميل التالي مع كتابة التخصص وعدد سنين الخبرة بخانة الموضوع
مطلوب موظفين!
منسق الطوارئ للإسعاف / موظف مركز الاتصال
منسق العمليات الطارئة لمركز قيادة الإسعاف
متحدث عربي أصلي مع خلفية تعليمية في التمريض أو الطب
مكان العمل: أبوظبي
يرجى إرسال السيرة الذاتية إلى مع كتابة "OCCRPM" في موضوع الرسالة
Immediate joining **
Location: Abu Dhabi / Alain
project: Infrastructure
Senior QA/QC Engineer:
- Required: 1
- Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering
- Minimum Experience 10Years
- Infrastructure & Earthworks Experience.
QA/QC Engineer:
- Required: 2
- Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering
- Minimum Experience 4 Years
- Infrastructure & Earthworks Experience.
*Immediate Joiners Preferred.
Interested candidates can send their CVs to: /
Closing Date: 22 Feb 2025
الجهة: NMC للرعاية الصحية
القطاع: المختبرات الطبية
المسمى الوظيفي: أخصائي تقني مختبرات طبية
الجنسيات المطلوبة: متاحة للمقيمين في الإمارات
نوع الوظيفة: دائم، دوام كامل
بكالوريوس في التكنولوجيا الطبية أو علوم المختبرات السريرية أو ما يعادلها (مدة دراسة لا تقل عن 3 سنوات).
يفضل حاملو مؤهل الماجستير أو الدراسات العليا المعتمدة المسجلة لدى ASCP/CSMLS أو ما يعادلها.
خبرة لا تقل عن سنتين لحاملي البكالوريوس، وسنة واحدة لحاملي الماجستير.
رخصة مزاولة مهنة من بلد المنشأ ورخصة DOH للعمل في أبوظبي، الإمارات.
متطلبات اللغة:
إجادة اللغتين الإنجليزية تحدثا وكتابة؛ اللغة العربية ميزة إضافية وليست ضرورية.
موقع العمل: أبوظبي، الإمارات
ساعات العمل: دوام كامل، قد يشمل المناوبات والواجبات الطارئة
طريقة التقديم:
يرجى إرسال السيرة الذاتية بصيغة PDF مع ذكر المسمى الوظيفي في عنوان البريد الإلكتروني إلى:
♻️ إذا كانت شركتك تحتاج لخدمات التوظيف أو التوطين، تواصل مع فرصتك لخدمات التوسط في توظيف العمالة عبر: /
#وظائف_أبوظبي #أخصائي_تقني_مختبرات_طبية #وظائف_الرعاية_الصحية #وظائف_المختبرات
*فرصة عمل*
في الشارقه لشركة بيع المطابخ و خزائن الملابس
موظف مبيعات المشاريع و لديه خبره في المجال ولديه علاقات قويه مع شركات الديكور والمقاولات ومهارة في التسويق والمبيعات
للتواصل على واتس اب إرسال CV
Exciting Job Opportunity - WALK-IN INTERVIEW 🚀
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*فرصة عمل*
موظف تسويق الكتروني للعمل في شركة في دبي منطقة القوز بالمواصفات التالية
1. لغة انجليزية جيدة
2. ان يكون ملتزم
3. خبرة بسيطة بالتصوير والمونتاج
4. خبرة بالتعامل مع منصات التواصل الاجتماعي ومواقع التسويق الالكتروني
5. لديه إقامة أو زيارة في الإمارات
6. العمر بين 20 وال32 سنة
أرجو إرسال السيرة الذاتية على واتساب 0562020142
Job opening.
Position: Safety Officer
Experience: Minimum 2Years
Salary range: SAR 3000-4000 (Accommodation and transportation provided
by the company)
Location: Eastern and Central Region
Preferred Transferable iqama.
Contact details:
Mohamed Abdul Rahman
Company: Raissyon Contracting Co
Posting date: 27-01-2025.
we are looking for logistic coordinator
Salary : 2500 /month
OT :no
Accommodation: company will provide
Visa: Tranferrable
Posting date: 27-01-2025.
We are looking for a planning Engineer with 5+ years of experience in steel
tanks and vessels only.
Posting date: 27-01-2025.
We're Hiring!
Senior Facilities Management Supervisor
Work Location: Doha, Qatar
- Minimum of Diploma or Degree with Mechanical background.
- Good Knowledge of Preventive & Corrective Maintenance in Air
Handling units, Package units, Plumbing systems.
- Aware of General maintenance and operating principles of Electrical
& ELV systems.
- General maintenance awareness related to Civil & Architectural
- Able to provide precise Monthly report on PPM & CM Status.
- Ability to maintain Material/Stock on hand Inventory and projected
- Able to guide and train the Technicians
- Should come up with alternate solutions to any breakdowns/maintenance
For interested and qualified applicants, please share your updated to:
Menasa and Partners have an urgent requirement for a highly experienced
Cost Control Director for an esteemed Project Management Office (PMO) in Saudi
Arabia. The role entails leading finance/cost control strategies for a
multi-billion-dollar urban development project in Saudi Arabia.
Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering.
20+ years of relevant experience, with at least 5+ years of experience
at a director-level function.
Proven track record of setting up and managing PMO financial systems.
Extensive experience in project cost and finance, cost control,
financial analysis and reporting, cost estimate, cost forecasting, budgeting…
Experience working on large-scale projects in the Middle East is highly
Please contact Myra Mangubat at to arrange a
confidential discussion about the opportunity.
Certified stainless steel welder
With valid documents and Qid
Contact 55078657
_POSTED DATE:27:01:25_
📢 We Are Hiring!
Open Positions
👷 Plumber - 4
👨🎨 Painter - 2
🛠 Multiskilled
Technician - 4
Technician - 5
👨💼 Facilities Supervisor - 2
💡 Electrician -
🔨 Mason - 2
🪚 Carpenter - 1
🌡 Chiller Plant
Technician - 3
⚙ Assistant
Technician (Mechanical) - 2
⚡ Assistant
Technician (Electrical) - 2
📊 BMS Operator -
Key Details
📍 Location:
Inside Doha
Transportation: Provided
📅 Duration: 1
year (extendable)
📅 Post Date: 27
Jan 2025
To Apply:
📞 +974 66363943
(WhatsApp only)
Limited positions available! Local hiring only.
_POSTED DATE:27:01:25_
Urgent Local Hiring for Upcoming Project in Qatar
We are urgently looking to fill the following positions for our upcoming
project in Qatar:
1. Instrument Technician
2. BMS System Technicians
3. Aluminium Technician
4. Steel Fabricator (Welder)
5. Furniture Carpenters
6. Plumbers
7. General Carpenter (Maintenance)
8. Spray Painters
9. Civil Supervisor (Facility Experience)
10. Mechanical Supervisor
11. Quantity Surveyor
12. Electrical Supervisor
13. Furniture Coordinator
14. Civil Draftsman (AutoCAD)
- Must be available in Qatar
- Good salary package
- 1-year contract
- Food, transport, and accommodation provided by the company
Interested candidates are invited to send their CV along with scanned
documents to:
_POSTED DATE:27:01:25_
Urgent Local Hiring in Qatar‼
- Work Location : Raslaffan
- Preferred Experience: 5 to 10 yrs
- Free visa and Valid QID Mandatory
- Required to provide DVC supporting documents
- Salary + FAT will be provided
📑Sent your
CV,QID, and Certificates to :
55712230 (Whatsapp Only)
_POSTED DATE:28:01:25_
🔥Water Chemist (ISO Certified),
Cv's on 50789781 /
_POSTED DATE:28:01:25_
Heavy driver
Sales executive - outdoor
3 year's experience. Qatar Driving license.
_POSTED DATE:28:01:25_
Service Advisor (Heavy Vehicles).
Civil Engineer, Foreman ( Civil)
Minimum 2 to 3 years of relevant
Local experience required.
Interested candidates, please send your CV to,
Whatsapp: 31191187, 70907890.
_POSTED DATE:28:01:25_
for reputed Infrastructural / Road / Construction
company. Civil Engineer with minimum 5 years
experience in all aspects of QS related works with
transferable visa. Willing to join immediately.
Send CV to:
_POSTED DATE:28:01:25_
Multiple Jobs
Berkeley Al Ghrimeel Engineering Consultancy company is a growing and
exciting company in KSA. We need your help for continuous growth. We are
looking for exceptional talent and the details are as follows:
1. MRF – 118 – Project Engineer ( Mechanical Construction )
(Sr. Project Engineer Civil /
Structural )
(Sr. Project Engineer Piping )
Minimum Required Number 1
Minimum Qualification /
1. Qualification Minimum
Bachelors Degree
2. Minimum 10+ Years of
3. Experience on Saudi Aramco
Projects is must.
4. Knowledge on Saudi Aramco
Standards is Must.
5. PMP certified will have more
5. Location: Saudi Arabia.
6. Duration: 1 Year Extendable…
2. MRF – 119 – Project Engineer Mechanical for Major
Minimum Required Number 1
Minimum Qualification /
1. Qualification Minimum
Bachelors Degree
2. Minimum 10+ Years of
3. Experience on Saudi Aramco
Projects is must.
4. Knowledge on Saudi Aramco
Standards is Must.
5. PMP certified will have more
5. Location: Saudi Arabia.
6. Duration: 1 Year Extendable
Kindly send your CVs on
Multiple Vacancies
Locations: Jeddah & Riyadh
. Soft & Hard Services Manager (Riyadh)
. Quality Assurance Manager (Jeddah)
. HR Organizational Development (OD) Senior Specialist (Jeddah)
· HRO Specialist (Riyadh)
. Document Controller (Jeddah)
· Sales Representative (Jeddah & Riyadh)
· Procurement Manager (Jeddah)
· Maintenance Project Manager (Jeddah)
. Accountant (Jeddah)
· Senior Accountant (Jeddah)
. Relevant experience in the Facilities Management industry.
. Proven experience in the same role.
. Proficiency in English communication.
Qualified candidates can apply by submitting their CVs to:
ICT Engineer
Looking for :
ICT Engineer
Job Location : Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (full time)
4+ years of experience in the field
Please send your CV to
Finance Manager
Finance Manager Jeddah
Key Responsibilities:
- Approve transactions and monitor cash flow.
- Manage the budget and create reports.
- Analyze costs and negotiate contracts.
- Identify financial risks and reconcile accounts.
Send your CV to with "Finance
Manager" in the subject
Job opening in Prevention & Security Trading Company Riyadh Saudi
Job Title: Junior Sales Representative
Experience : Minimum of 2 to 3 years in Building Material.
A Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field
(equivalent degrees also considered);
Interested Candidates, share your profiles With job title at
Posting date: 28-01-2025.
New hiring for Saudi Arabia for the restaurant group,Jeddah and Riyadh
Waiters 2000SAR
Commis 1,2,3 1500-2200 SAR
Baristas 2000-2300SAR
Restaurant Supervisor 2300-3000SAR
Kitchen Supervisor 2300-3000SAR
Accommodation and transportation provided. Final salaries offered after
the interview with the employer
Preferably candidates with Iqama or based in UAE with residency
Please share your CV to
Join Our Team at Khansaheb Facilities Management!
Walk-in Interview Details:
Date: Sunday, February 2nd, 2025
Location: Khansaheb Head Office, Airport Road, Umm Ramool, near Emirates
Metro Station (back entrance on 25th Street)
Time: AM 8:00 to PM 12:00
If you are unable to attend the walk-in interview, please send your CV
to, mentioning the position applied for in the subject
Current Vacancies:
• Facilities Manager / Project Manager
• Soft Services Manager
• Facilities Engineer
• Supervisor - Hard Services
• Supervisor - Soft services
• Supervisor – Landscaping
• Safety Officer
• HSE Coordinator
• Administrator
• CAFM Administrator
• Technical Lead / Project Coordinator
• Multi Technicians
Join us and take the next step in your career with Khansaheb Facilities
#FacilitiesManagement #CareerOpportunities #JoinOurTeam
#Hiring | Recruitment Officer
Position: Recruitment Officer
Salary: AED 12,000 to 15,000 per month + Benefits
Company: ADCP
Working days: Monday to Friday
Location: Abu Dhabi City.
Candidate Must be in UAE,
Job Overview
We are seeking an experienced Recruitment Officer with a minimum of 3 to
5 years of experience in both agency and corporate recruitment. The ideal
candidate will have a background in Real Estate and/or Facilities Management
and will be responsible for managing the recruitment process from talent
sourcing to onboarding for our Abu Dhabi office.
Key Responsibilities
· Develop and implement effective
recruitment strategies to attract top talent in Real Estate and Facilities
· Manage the end-to-end recruitment
process, including sourcing, screening, interviewing, and selecting candidates.
· Collaborate with hiring managers to
understand the specific needs of each department and tailor recruitment
strategies accordingly
· Maintain and update the applicant
tracking system (ATS) to ensure accurate and timely candidate records
· Build and maintain a pipeline of
potential candidates through various sourcing channels, including job boards,
social media, and professional networks
· Conduct reference checks and
background screenings to verify the qualifications and experience of candidates
· Provide guidance and support to
hiring managers during the interview and selection process.
· Ensure a positive candidate
experience by providing timely feedback and maintaining regular communication
throughout the recruitment process.
· Monitor recruitment metrics and
analyze data to continuously improve the recruitment process.
· Stay up-to-date with industry
trends and best practices in recruitment and talent acquisition.
· Coordinate with HR team for smooth
onboarding and transition of selected candidates.
· Bachelor’s degree in Human
Resources, Business Administration, or a related field
· Minimum of 8 years of experience in
both agency and corporate recruitment, preferably in Real Estate and/or
Facilities Management
· Proven track record of successful
placements and ability to meet recruitment targets
· Strong understanding of the
recruitment process and best practices
· Proficient in using applicant
tracking systems (ATS) and other recruitment tools
· Excellent communication and
interpersonal skills
· Strong organizational and time
management skills
· Ability to work in a fast-paced
environment and manage multiple priorities
· Familiarity with employment laws
and regulations in the UAE.
· This position is based in Abu
Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
To apply, please send your CV to
Dubai #Hiring #Urgent
Position - Admin / Operations Co-ordinator
Location - Bur Dubai
Candidate with atleast 2-3 years of Admin, Secretarial, Operations
co-ordinator experience can apply
Please share you cv with below information
Current Salary
Expected Salary
Notice Period
Visa Status
Comment | Share | Tag | Apply
🏫Al Sadiq
Islamic English school #hiring experienced candidates to join our team from Feb
1. Primary Math Teacher - Bachelors in Math
2. Social Studies Teacher - Bachelors in History / Geography / Social
3. Islamic B Teacher (Female) - Bachelors in Islamic Studies
Please note that preference will be given to candidates with prior
school experience with UK curriculum.
Interested candidates can send CVs to with the
position you have applied for in the subject line.
Note: Candidate must be present in UAE currently.
We are hiring
Position- Admin Executive
Location: Dubai, UAE
Job Type: Full-Time
Send your resume to -,
Position: HR Coordinator
Salary: 4500 AED (all inclusive)
Job Location: Dubai, UAE
Job Description:
>Assist with all internal and external HR related inquiries or
>Maintain both hard and digital copies of employees' records.
>Assist with the recruitment process by identifying candidates,
performing reference checks and issuing employment contracts.
>Assist with performance management procedures.
>Schedule meetings, interviews, HR events and maintain agendas.
>Coordinate training sessions and seminars.
>Support in the recruitment process.
>Assist with payroll and ad-hoc HR projects.
>Support other assigned functions.
Pls share CV on given WhatsApp
What's App: +971507935232(Strictly no calls)
Hiring Now: Business Analyst (BA) with
one our reputed client based out of Dubai
Job Title: Business Analyst (BA)
Location: Saudi Arabia
Experience: 1 + years
Language preference: Arabic and English
We are looking for a talented Business Analyst with at least 1 year of
experience to join our client! If you have experience working on BRD, FRS, SRS,
and workflow diagrams, along with strong English and Arabic communication
skills, this could be the perfect opportunity for you!
About Client:
Our client is a CMMI Level 5
global IT Solutions & Services firm, with a strong focus on innovation and
product development. As an Oracle Platinum Partner, our expertise lies in
implementing CRM solutions Business Intelligence, Mobility, and Middleware.
They have an excellent track record in providing tailor-made Enterprise-wide
technology solutions to Fortune 500 Clients. They provide business solutions
and services across all industries across North Americas, EMEA, APAC regions.
Key Requirements:
At least 1 year of BA experience
Strong experience in BRD, FRS, SRS, and creating workflow diagrams
Proficiency in English (written and spoken) and Arabic
Preferred Experience:
Working knowledge of EBS, Oracle Fusion, or CRM systems is a plus!
Interested and suitable candidates please send your resume to
#Hiring has following opportunities in UAE for high rise towers
1 - Site Engineer
2 - Project Engineer
3 - Finishing Engineer
4 - Civil Draftsman
5 - Technical Engineer
6 - civil Foreman
7 - General Foreman
8 - Carpenter Foreman
9 - Logistic Supervisor
Construction Exprerience
High Rise Experience
send cvs to
We're Hiring!
With 43 years of educational excellence, Al Diyafah High School invites
passionate educators to join our journey of shaping young minds and building
brighter futures.
Positions Available:
Primary Science - Subject Leader
Mathematics - AS/A Level Teacher
English - Secondary Teacher
British curriculum experience is essential.
Apply Now:
Contact Us: 04 2671115
Vice Principal Vacancy - British & American Curriculum School
We are seeking an experienced Vice Principal for our upcoming British
& American curriculum school. Candidates with leadership experience in
Cambridge schools in the UAE are highly preferred.
About the Vice Principal Position:
As Vice Principal, you will play a pivotal role in shaping the academic
and administrative framework of the school. Your responsibilities will include:
Assisting the Principal in overseeing daily school operations.
Leading and mentoring academic and administrative staff.
Ensuring the implementation of curriculum standards and educational best
Driving school improvement plans and fostering a culture of excellence.
If you meet the above criteria, please send your updated CV along with a
cover letter to
We look forward to receiving your application.
We’re Hiring!!
Exciting opportunities await at Amity Private School, Sharjah!
We are seeking enthusiastic and dedicated educators to join our team in
April 2025 for the following positions:
1.Kindergarten Teacher
2.Homeroom Teacher
3.Primary Music Teacher
4.Primary Islamic Teacher
5.Primay English Teacher
6. TGT Math Teacher
If you are ready to make a meaningful impact, we’d love to hear from
How to Apply
Send your CV to to become a part of our vibrant
Let’s shape the future together!
mmediate Hiring in Abu Dhabi: International Jubilee Private School
We are seeking a Head of the English Department, capable of effectively
leading the English team.
• Proficient in Common Core
Standards for English and experienced in implementing them effectively.
• Skilled in administering and
analyzing MAP tests to guide planning and improve student outcomes.
• Well-versed in ADEK and MOE
regulations and experienced in applying the Irtiqaa framework.
• Capable of training,
evaluating, and developing the team while monitoring teaching, learning, and
• Able to apply modern
educational methods and integrate technology into teaching and learning.
• Proficient in fostering
research skills, project-based learning, innovation , and empowering students
with 21st-century skills.
Additional Information:
• The applicant must be residing
in the UAE to attend the in-person interview.
Only applicants with American schools experience will be considered.
Please send your CV.
We are hiring!
We are looking for a
passionate and outstanding Careers Guidance Counsellor to work with and support
our wonderful secondary and post-16 students.
If this is for you, please
email your CV to:
Kindly no DMs or comments.
All the best. ✨
The First Academy an American Curriculum school based in Ajman, is
looking for a hard working and dedicated High School English Teacher, to join
our illustrious group of educators.
Please forward your updated CV to: or submit your CV here on LinkedIn
Thank you
Woodlem Park School- Dubai / Music Teacher
We are seeking a passionate and skilled Music Teacher to inspire and
educate students in the art of music. The ideal candidate will have a strong
background in music education, proficiency in various instruments, and the
ability to create engaging and inclusive lessons for students of all ages and
skill levels.
Qualification & Requirements
Bachelor’s/ master's degree in music.
Proficiency in one or more instruments, vocal training is a plus.
Prior teaching experience in schools, music academies, or private
If you meet these criteria and want to nurture your career with us, then
please sent your applications to
𝗝𝗼𝗯 𝗧𝗶𝘁𝗹𝗲:
Head of EYFS
Beaconhouse Private School, Al Ain
𝗝𝗼𝗯 𝗧𝘆𝗽𝗲:
𝗔𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗨𝘀:
Beaconhouse Private School in Al Ain is committed to providing a
nurturing and high-quality education to young learners. We are seeking a
passionate, dynamic, and experienced individual to join our team as the Head of
𝗞𝗲𝘆 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀:
• Lead and manage the EYFS department, ensuring the highest standards of
teaching, learning, and care.
• Implement and monitor EYFS curriculum planning, assessment, and
• Promote a positive and inclusive learning environment where all
children feel safe and motivated to learn.
• Support and mentor EYFS staff, fostering their professional
• Liaise with parents and external agencies to ensure holistic
development of students.
𝗞𝗲𝘆 𝗤𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀:
• A degree in Early Childhood Education or a related field (Master’s
• A minimum of 2-5 years of experience in teaching and leadership role
in an EYFS setting.
• In-depth knowledge of the EYFS framework and child development.
• Strong leadership, communication, and organizational skills.
• Experience with curriculum planning and assessment.
• A passion for working with young children and supporting their
developmental needs.
𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗪𝗲 𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿:
• Competitive salary and benefits package.
• Professional development opportunities.
• A supportive and collaborative work environment.
𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗔𝗽𝗽𝗹𝘆:
Interested candidates are invited to send their CVs, along with a cover
letter outlining their qualifications and experience, to
Immediate Hiring in Abu Dhabi: International Jubilee Private School
We are seeking a qualified English Teachers , for Middle and High School
to join our team.
• Proven experience teaching in
American curriculum schools in UAE , specifically at the middle and high school
• Familiarity with ADEK and MOE
regulations and requirements.
• Proficient in administering and
analyzing MAP tests and other standardized assessments.
• Strong subject knowledge and
classroom management skills to effectively engage middle and high school
• Commitment to integrating
modern teaching methods, innovation ,
and technology into the learning process.
Additional Information:
• The applicant must be residing
in the UAE to attend the in-person interview.
Only applicants with Amarican schools experience will considered.
Please send your CV.
Subject: Job Opportunity: English Teacher
We are excited to announce that our school is currently hiring an
English teacher who can start immediately. If you have a passion for teaching
and a strong command of the English language, we would love to hear from you!
Position: English Teacher
Location: Al Rushed American School
Start Date: Immediate
- Bachelor’s degree in English, Education, or a related field
- 2 years experience in teaching English in UAE.
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills
- Ability to create engaging lesson plans and foster a positive learning
- Teach English language and literature to students
- Prepare and deliver lessons that meet curriculum standards
- Assess and evaluate student progress
- Collaborate with other teachers and staff
- Participate in school events and activities
If you are interested in this opportunity, please send your resume and a
cover letter to ( )or contact us at phone number
(06) 535 8000. We look forward to welcoming a new member to our dedicated
teaching team!
Teaching jobs in Greenfield International School Dubai UAE announces the
latest teaching jobs in several disciplines for the new academic year 2025
1-Secondary Math Teacher
2-Primary EAL Teacher
3-Head of Science Teacher (Physics/Chemistry/Biology)
4-Primary Arabic Teacher
5-Primary Consellour Teacher
6-Physical Education Teacher
7-Secondary Computer Science Teacher
Apply Now-
For More Jobs-
#GEMSTeacherJobs #TaleemCareers #AtharEducationJobs
#BloomEducationCareers #AthenaEducationJobs #RahaInternationalJobs
#TESEducationJobs #DubaiTeacherJobs #SharjahTeacherJobs #AlAinTeacherJobs
#TeachAtGEMS #TeachAtTaleem #TeachAtAthar #TeachAtBloom #TeachAtAthena
#TeachAtRaha #TeachAtTES #UAEJobsForTeachers #DubaiSchoolsHiring
#SharjahSchoolsHiring #AlAinSchoolsHiring #EducationCareersUAE #UAEHiringNow
#TeachAndGrowInUAE #BestTeachingJobsUAE #DubaiTeachersNetwork
#SharjahTeachersNetwork #AlAinTeachersNetwork
Hiring for Islamiya English School, Abu Dhabi for the academic year
2024-2025. If you are interested, please email your CV to
(Please mention the job title in the email subject)
Teachers with Equivalency & MOE approval and a minimum of 2 years of
teaching experience in the UAE/Home country will be considered.
Business Studies Teacher (F)
KG Teacher (F)
Please join us in our talent pool through the link below.
We are currently seeking to appoint an outstanding Teaching Assistant to
join our school from mid-February 2025.
The role of the Teaching Assistant is a vital one at BIS Abu Dhabi and
is designed to support teachers in helping children to overcome barriers to
learning. TA’s will normally work within the classroom and may work with
individual children, small groups or the whole class. They may also be called
upon to support children who have learning or behavioural difficulties and
those with English as an additional language.
Applicants should submit a CV, letter of application and the details of
two professional referees, one of which should be your current line manager.
Interviews will be conducted at the School.
If you would like to take this exciting role and you have the right
blend of experience and ambition, apply through the link in our below.
The closing date for applications is 31st January 2025.
Al Sadiq Islamic School Careers Openings
1. Primary Math Teacher – Bachelors in Math
2. Social Studies Teacher – Bachelors in History / Geography / Social
3. Islamic B Teacher (Female) – Bachelors in Islamic Studies.
B.ed Mandatory
Note that preference will be given to candidates with prior school
experience with UK curriculum and
We Are Hiring: English Teacher
We are looking for an experienced English Teacher for middle and high
school levels to join our team immediately!
-Master’s or Bachelor’s degree in English, Education, -Diploma in
-IELTS certificate with a minimum score of 7.
-At least 2 years of teaching experience within the UAE.
-If you meet the qualifications and are passionate about teaching, we
would love to hear from you!
Apply now for immediate hirring
Exciting Teaching & Non-Teaching Opportunities: UAE
Emeralds International School is hiring passionate and dedicated
educators and professionals for 2025-2026.
Positions Available:
-Academic Director
-Academic Coordinator (British or American Division)
-Head of Key Stage
-Head of Department
What We’re Looking For:
Fluent English speakers (required for all roles).
Passionate educators with strong pedagogy and subject expertise.
Team players committed to student-centered learning.
Professionals focused on self-development and innovation.
#EducationJobs #HiringNow #Teachers
#SchoolLeadership #InnovationInEducation #UAE
Join Our Team at Crown Consult
We're currently expanding our team for an exciting project in the
Najran- KSA and are looking for talented professional who are ready to make an
🔍Open Position:
• Project Manager/Resident Engineer (Civil Engineer)– Site Supervision
• 20 years of experience preferably with engineering consultancy.
• Immediate availability to join.
📩 Interested?
Send your CV to
Exciting Opportunity in Riyadh!
Are you a seasoned professional seeking a new challenge? Our PMC
Division are looking for a Senior Design Manager to join our dynamic team in
Key Requirements:
- Bachelor's degree in Architecture Engineering
- Extensive 15 years of experience in the field
- Fluency in Arabic and English
- Residency in KSA is a must
- Ideally possess a transferable Iqama
If you meet these qualifications and are ready to embark on this
rewarding journey, please submit your CV to with the subject
line: (Position - LinkedIn Ads).
Kinan Real Estate Development is currently seeking a highly qualified and
motivated individual to join our team as a hashtag#Construction_Manager in
hashtag#Riyadh. This is an excellent opportunity for someone with a strong
background in residential construction and architectural design.
1-Full understanding of residential construction and architectural
2- Bachelor’s degree in Civil or Architectural Engineering, Construction
Management, or equivalent.
3- A minimum of 7-10 years of experience in residential construction or
commercial projects, preferably having executed the finishing stages for
residential projects.
4-A minimum of 2-3 years of quality control experience in residential
and commercial projects.
If you meet these qualifications and are interested in this position,
please click on the link provided below to apply:
Senior QS / Cost Manager📣 📣
Attractive Waterfront City in Europe📍
😯 😯 😯
Great opportunity to work with a top worldwide Cost Consultancy - that
are working all over the world on major developments. Looking for a Senior QS /
Cost Manager to join the team and work long term.
Please send your CV to my email and we can arrange a Teams call.
🔺 Hiring
We are looking for "Senior
Quality Engineer”
Location: Jubail
- Bachelor’s degree in
engineering or a related field.
- 10/15 years of experience in
quality engineering or related fields.
- Relevant certifications (e.g.,
ASQ CQE, ISO auditor) are advantageous.
If you have relevant
qualifications, kindly share your CV to:
( with the
job title at the email subject.
Job Opportunity
Lead Construction company is looking for :
- Senior Construction Manager .
- Construction Manager .
- Project Engineer .
- Site Engineer .
based in Riyadh with the following minimum requirements:
- Experience in construction companies and mainly experience about
hotels and high rise buildings .
- Bachelor degree in engineering and civil engineering is preferred.
If you are interested, please send your Cv and mentioned the job title
on the subject:
We are looking for Accountant officer to work with us at our office in Khobar .
Please share your CV
𝐖𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐇𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠!!!
Looking for new opportunities in Dubai, Check out these open roles.
𝐌𝐄𝐏 𝐃𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭
• Minimum 2 years of experience
working in a similar position within the UAE.
• Proficiency in advanced Excel
and fast typing skills are required.
• Salary: 3500-4500 AED/-
• Company provided accommodation
and transportation.
𝐌𝐄𝐏 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭
• Minimum 3 Years of experience
in UAE specifically in fit-out works.
• Knowledge of procurement
processes, vendor management, and contract negotiation.
• Salary: 6000-8000 AED/-
𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐫- 𝐅𝐢𝐭-𝐨𝐮𝐭
• Minimum 5 years of UAE
experience specifically in fit-out projects.
• A valid UAE driving license is
• Strong understanding of cost
estimation, budgeting, and cost control in fit-out projects.
• Salary: 8000-10000 AED/-
𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐫- 𝐌𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥
• Minimum 2 years of UAE
• Expertise in quantity take-off
for all MEP services.
• Knowledge of mechanical systems
and the ability to prepare accurate cost estimates for mechanical services.
• Salary: 5000-7000 AED/-
𝐌𝐄𝐏 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫
• Minimum 2 years of UAE
• Familiarity with MEP materials
is essential.
• Responsible for maintaining
inventory levels, tracking material usage, and ensuring timely supply of
materials to the project site.
• Salary: 3500-4500 AED/-
𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆: 𝑨𝒑𝒑𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔
𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒚
𝒃𝒆 𝒂𝒗𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆
𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆
𝐓𝐨 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐲: Send
your CV to
Job Opportunity!
Quantity Surveyor
Location: Riyadh- khobar-Jaddah
-Bachelor's degree in Quantity Surveying, Civil Engineering, or a
related field.
-Minimum of 8 years of experience as a Quantity Surveyor with a focus on
post-contract works.
-Strong knowledge of construction contracts, cost management, and legal
-Transferable IQAMA is a must.
- Saudi Council of Engineers Certified as Quantity Surveyor.
If your qualifications matches our
requirements kindly send your Cv
Currie & Brown KSA are keen to speak with CostX 'super users' to join our
growing Head Office based pre-contract cost management team.
We're at the final stages of fitting out a brand new office in Olaya,
and are expanding the team to meet client requirements.
If you're interested in discussing this role in more detail, please
contact me:
We are looking for Cost Engineer , Location – Yanbu/Jeddah
Cost Engineer Duties and Responsibilities
Cost Engineers are responsible for budgeting, cost control, financial
analysis, and cost performance for specific projects.
They employ scientific principles and techniques in the financial and
cost aspects of the project to ensure the project is executed within budget and
in a cost-effective manner.
Their duties and responsibilities include:
Prepare and maintain project budgets, including labor, materials,
equipment and services
Perform cost analysis, estimating expected costs for the project
Provide detailed progress reports to project managers and stakeholders
Perform risk management, identifying potential financial risks and
providing mitigation strategies
Prepare cost reports and pricing studies as required
Analyze completed projects to compare estimated costs to actual costs
and determine reasons for any discrepancies
Provide consultation on planning, coordination and cost control of
Develop and implement cost tracking and reporting methodologies
Interact with project teams and clients to provide cost control and
planning advice
Monitor project costs and provide cost control recommendations
Validate cost data from various sources for consistency and accuracy
Collaborate with procurement and contract management to manage costs and
negotiate contracts
We are Currently hashtag#Hiring for these Positions:
1- hashtag#Contract_Engineer.
2- hashtag#Procurement_Engineer.
3- hashtag#QS_Engineer.
4- hashtag#QC_Engineer.
5- hashtag#Architect.
Experience is Construction companies MUST
hashtag#Location: hashtag#Saudi_Arabia
𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗹𝘆 𝘀𝗲𝗻𝗱
𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 hashtag#𝗖𝗩𝘀 𝘁𝗼:
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